Indie Comic Books From Torrid Comics
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Torrid Comics Is Heating Up!
A self-published, self-funded, creator-owned indie comic book company. Conceptualized by Nicholas Garza in 2013, he has been working diligently to bring to life his own indie comic superhero books. The project started as a way for him to grow as an artist until one day being picked up by one of the big 2 publishers, Marvel Comics and or DC Comics.
Torrid Comics is committed to bringing out fresh ideas and content. Creator Nicholas Garza has been making creator-owned indie comic characters and stories since he could hold a pencil. Infusing both classic and contemporary art styles and storytelling into superhero comics, Torrid Comics is paving a path towards prodigiousness!
Nicholas Garza
Nicholas Garza is an indie comic artist from Fresno, California. He has been drawing his whole life. ever since he was able to hold a pencil, Nicholas has been drawing and creating. A self taught indie comic book artist, Nicholas is striving to improve his skills in all areas of the indie comic book creating process.